
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.06 >Lunch Time Express<

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.06

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain


As many of you probably know by now that Utah was the winner of the Sugar Bowl.  What a good feeling to know your alive, it is such a happy feeling.  I was going crazy watching that game.  I had to keep pinching myself thinking that I was dreaming.  I am a fan of the Utes but even I was a skeptic of their chances.  It was so crazy to watch that.  Had I not been watching that then I wouldn't have believed it myself.  But I did see it and it was still almost unbelizeable.  You know people can make excuses all they want about how Alabama didn't want to be there etc.  I wasn't fast enough or big enough to play college sports, but I played a lot of sports and regardless of what the situation was nobody wants to lose.  So if you don't have the desire to be there and play a game then don't show up. The desire to win is something that is engrained in every human being.  I guarantee that if you were to ask any Alabama player "off the record" they would say that they really wanted to win that game from the start.  They just didn't have enough.  Utah was too good for them and they knew it.  I am just glad that idiot "Sports Experts" that we all listen to, thought that there was no way Utah would win that game.  They had Bama rolling the Utes much like Georgia did last year against the mighty Rainbows of Hawaii.  Did you know that there were only 2 national sports people that thought Utah had a chance to win?  I say that those 2 need a raise and people like Barry Switzer need to get a brain because when they were in heaven and God said come get your brains they thought he said trains and they all got on one and went for a ride.  As I watched the pre-game and the experts tore down Coach Wittingham for what he said about the Mountain West needing an automatic bid into the BCS I had to restrain my angry throwing arm so that I didn't break something Fred Durst style.  What does the future hold?  Greatness!  Also below is a link of what local, to Alababma, sports writters predicted for the game.  Thanks Vardell this gave me a good laugh.  I just hope that the people running the great state of Alabama are a little smarter than their sports experts.   


Also on a semi-related note for all of you BYU fans, if you could figure out some way to avoid playing Utah and TCU maybe you could play in BCS bowl game someday.  Thank you for you cheers if you did cheer for the force that is Utah.


Trivia Time:  Willy Wonka is Willy Wonka because of a marketing scheme.  This week's question is why does Alabama have such a bad football team?


Beat the Odds Tip:  Again I am going to state a beat the odds tip from a while ago.  Always bet on Red!


I don't even think that I need to write anymore for this week because I just read what I wrote and I started to tear up a little bit.  I did however have one more thing to add to this week's letter.  Jenny and I recently watched American Teen the documentary about a small town high school.  It just reminded me of this thought which I began to formulate in High School after the popular kids started to beat me up daily.  Anybody that thought they were way awesome in High School really needs to take a good look at their life and if their best accomplishments came in High School then shame on you for not living a better life after the most awkward part of your short life on this planet.  I am just saying that assume every human at one point or another reaches their maximum potential, that maximum is 100.  Then while anybody is in High School nobody and I mean nobody exceeds 35.  I originally had the highest at 20 but when I told Jenny this thought, she said that she thought she was 35 so I gave it to her because that's how I am.  Awesomeness is like a really bad opposite day.  When you think that you are awesome then at that moment you are not.  So 99% of my life I spend thinking I am awesome but really I am not.  So don't feel bad.  Just remember, you are always more awesome than Eric.


Have a good week I know I will now keep your fingers crossed.

Eric Jones




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