
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.09

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.09

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain


Normally I don't believe in conformity however this morning as I drove in on icy roads several things happened that made me think, "Resistance is futile."  The need to conform is ever so important on icy roads.  It still blows my mind that people think that they are way more important than everybody else and it is their duty to demonstrate to the general population that it is still 100% possible to drive 80 MPH on an icy freeway.  As I watched a mini-van weave in and out of the traffic lanes several times to get roughly 20 feet ahead of where they were I could not even believe what I was seeing.  Here is a hot tip for all of you that like to speed to because you get where you are going faster.  If you are driving to work, lets use my commute as an example.  I drive roughly 12 miles one way to work so if I were to drive to work at 65 MPH, which I do in heavy traffic, I would get there in 11 minutes.  Now it takes me longer to get to work due to traffic and I am not constantly driving 65 MPH.  You all understood that I hope.  Ok now lets imagine that I drive 80 MPH I would get to work in 9 minutes.  So why speed people?  Oh wait.  If I were to save two minutes everyday of the week that is 10 minutes, if I worked 5 days a week.  So that means in one year I would save 520 minutes.  Oh man, forget what I said.  Speed and speed often.  It is also better to speed over long distances.  So if you live far away speed more.  The more you speed, the more time you save.  Do the math people.  Also in order for this to work you can't get pulled over by the cops or get in an accident.                            


Trivia Time:  Last week's winner was Danny Sorensen.  He knew that there was once a baby so fat that that the God Zeus chuckled from on high when it was born.  This week's question is what draft pick was Karl Malone?  Who was the number pick that year?


Beat the Odds Tip:  If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.


This was more of last week but I just wanted to let everybody know of the awesomeness that is the Danny/Eric duo.  So our wives wanted to play a game.  Emi selected Disney Scene It, which is not my forte.  However, I don't lose well.  We were down early and late in the game.  They moved all the way to the end and we were only on the middle of the board.  When they had their All Play to win we thought it was over.   The stars aligned and we beat them on their all play to win.  So it was our turn and we were rolling going broke.  We caught and it was our turn for the All Play to win.  The first clues came up.  Nobody knew what it was when finally flashes of a little Red Dragon popped into my head and I yelled Mushu.  Nailed it for the win!


Lost was a mind blow this past week.  I want to watch it all now.  Give me, give me, give me, I need, I need, I need.  I am baby stepping.


Have a good week I know I will now keep your fingers crossed.

Eric Jones


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