
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.22 (Being sick is like being on rollercoaster that sucks)

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.22

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain


Well it was yet another mother's day.  Mom's day is a pretty important day.  As we visited both of our mothers yesterday I couldn't help but reflect on what these women were like before they had kids. But I am not a miracle worker so instead I mostly just talked about what kind of mothers they were. It is clear to see that my mom truly feels like she was not a good mother.  I have to say this just isn't true.  I think that she was a real good mom full of love and compassion, well maybe just love for her children.  I think as a nurse she knows that people can be in a lot of pain and a dislocated pinky is nothing to cry about. I would just like to say that if I would have grown up with a different mother I would not be who I am today. She helped me become who I am today by the way that she raised me.  Maybe that is why she thinks that she is a failure? That can be it.  I mean look how handsome I am and how funny I can be oh and how much of a jerk I am.  I told her this yesterday and I believe it to be true today, that if I were to give her a letter grade for her efforts as a mother she would get an A or a strong A-.  That is pretty good. Mom just let it be known that I love you and you have done better with me than any other women could have.


Trivia Time: What smells worse, an old banana or an old orange?


Beat the Odds Tip:  If you ever find yourself questioning if the thing you just ate was food or just some dirt clumped together to look likes a cookie. Always remember this rule, nice firm means a cookie without germ, if it crumbles then you're in troubles.


Little Gigi is now two weeks old and still she just sits there, eats then sleeps, sleeps then eats with the occasional burp and messy diaper.  Truly she has life figured out.  However, little does she know that life is about to throw her through a loop. I heard that week 3 is the hardest of the weeks because that is the week when the rigorous testing begins.  She has to be able to so much more this week than she did all the other weeks.  However, I have been working on her dancing with her and her singing so she has that part down. It is the rope swing that we are going to have problems with.  Sure she can latch on with her little hands at first but then she looses interest and lets go.  I keep telling her that that attitude is not going to cut it when it is for real.  The rope swing is serious business. Anyway I found out last night that her favorite song is 'The Gambler' by Kenny Rodgers. That is what she will be singing and she will be doing her rendition of the robot to have it be a song and dance number.


Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones



PS Now I know why there are so many cranky old men.

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