
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.25 (It about to get crazy up in here)

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.25

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain

As I sit here and think about the week past and the week to come I hope that some of the elements of this week past occur over and over again and that others do not. Namely this dream I had last night.  I don't know what combination of magic I had the day before, I think a lot of sugar, but my dream last night was one wild ride that had me running through malls, local stadiums, and driving through neighborhoods all in search of what turned out to be a Jenny and a slurpee.  Pretty awesome if you ask me.  There was however one part of the dream I can't seem to figure out. As I was racing through a building I peeked into a room where a lady was talking about grammar.  For some reason I stopped long enough to hear her say, "For those of you that are still double spacing after a period get ready to feel the wrath of my red pen."  I don't know what it was all about; one thing I do know is that I am careful about how many spaces I put after the periods. Isn't it crazy that the industry is trying to eliminate that extra space after the period? If we think about it in terms of paper, we can save a lot of paper, however since most things are read digitally does an extra space really even matter? I think that if I were a dream interpreter I would have to say that the Lady represents the all might dollar and that it is trying to control every facet of my life. So what I have to do, what we all have to do is stand up against this common foe and combat prices by shopping smarter. So it was a dream with a message after all. What else could it mean?


Trivia Time: How many times have the Orlando Magic been to the NBA Finals?


Beat the Odds Tip: In order to go forward you may have to go backward.


I need everyone to check to see if you have goose pimples right now. If you don't then good, because you are about to be covered head to toe in them. Tonight is the night that have been waiting for since I was in 8th grade and had to stay up until midnight to catch a glimpse of this young man. Never again, Conan O'Brien in now on at 10:30 PM. Oh what a delight. Jay is finally giving up the reigns to a lerppy comedy genius. There has been much debate about some of the skits that Conan will be doing on his show. I think that this is a perfect time for such characters as the Traveling Salesman, Conando and Preparation H Raymond to come into the light of the entire world. Also could this be the right time to bring back the Walker Texas Ranger clips? Namely the one when all the characters are laughing at something that was said and then the little boy says, "Walker told me I have AIDS." Sad and disturbing typical Walker. If you don't know these characters hopefully you will and I know that you will all love every minute of them as do I. I bet by now you are covered in goose pimples from head to toe.


Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones




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