
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.28 (Let the good times roll)

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.28

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain

Have you ever sat and wondered why Teenagers are such jerks? I have thought about that a lot for two reasons. First and for most I still think that I am part teenager trying to do cool things and make my go with out stopping. Come to find out that half of what I do is lame, according to teenage authorities, and a brisk walk sometimes will make my body hurt for weeks. Second, I like to think about hypothetical situations and what I would do differently if only I would be tried as a minor in our court systems. Anyway, Jenny has pretty much put an end to the age old question of what age is the best age to be and why? I think that is one of the questions under controversy at the Miss Who Cares pageant. Anywho, as stated by Jenny just yesterday, I think driving past classic skating made her think of this, 15 is probably the best age to be. Because you are on the cusp of great things but you don't have any responsibility, yet. Legally you can't work, so parents still pay for most everything, you can't drive so parents have to drive you everywhere, and for some of us puberty isn't in full swing yet. That has major perks namely lack of acne. Yeah I thought about that I had to agree. However, if you were to ask 100 15 year olds what the best age to be is I am pretty sure that 110% of would say that 15 is not the best age. They would probably say 21 or 18 or I would have said 5 because my life at 5 was very similar to my life at 15 except I didn't have to go to school. The routines were very similar. Wake up eat something, watch TV. Take frequent naps. Hopefully when little Gigi gets to be 15 I can inform her of how sweet her life is. Who knows when she is 15 people might be saying 10 is the new 15.


Trivia Time: All dogs go to heaven. This week's question is what age was your favorite age?


Beat the Odds Tip:  If you have to choose between two things that you love choose both. Because come on you don't want to not choose something you love.


It was officially my first Father's Day. I guess it was pretty good. The best part of the day was Jenny would ask me to do stuff and I would respond with the usual negative body language and she would quickly say, "You don't have to do that, since it is Father's Day." The thing is I still did just as many request as would normally do for her, I just got double credit for them yesterday. I am also glad that this year Jenny's sock selection has greatly increased. After explaining to her last year sometime that a sock should be cut so that it wraps around the toes and that the sock should abruptly end below the ankle bone (That depends on preference). Also I wanted to say a special thank you to my Grandpa for the following joke that I told several times yesterday after receiving the socks. Jenny says to me she says, "Now you can throw away your socks with holes in them." To which I would say, "All of my socks have holes, how else am I supposed to get them on?"



Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones


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