
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.36

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.36

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain


My wife and I have only not slept in the same bed two times in as many years of marriage. These two times have both come in the month of August.  It is crazy to think about that, I can't believe that somebody could tolerate sleeping next to me for that long. I always thought by about the third or fourth week of marriage that whom ever I was married to would say, "It is high time we get a matchin' set of twin beds to sleep in." For some reason the person I was married to in my mind was wearing overalls with one strap undone and she is chewing on some straw, at least I think it is a she. Anywho that is whole another story all together. The first time we didn't sleep in the same I was out in a tent with the men and kids. That was a fun night of sleep or I mean of sitting there starring at the backside of my eyelids wondering when it was going to end. The other time was last night. Jenny slept on the couch because I just couldn't tolerate her being in the bed with me. Just kidding our little girl is sick and she sleeps about 30 seconds until she realizes that she is extremely uncomfortable and would like us to know about it. The best solution has been to break the good habit of her sleeping in the crib and let her sleep in the swing. It has been pretty bad but it will soon be over. You don't know miserable until you have a baby that is sick, whose mind frame is probably something like, "This world sucks." Jenny and I, probably like most of you, like to say funny things about what we think Gigi is thinking. For instance when she is sucking on a toy we would say something like, "Boy this food is hard to chew." Or maybe something like, "I hate communism." You know just everyday thoughts that we all have so we like to make sure that our daughter has them too. Lately she has been thinking and doing a lot of stuff that would indicate that she is a huge fan of the Beach Boys. You know stuff like rolling over and pretending like she is on a surf board or taking my car to the "library". She is such a rascal.


Trivia Time:  Last week's answer was you can't steal a car that has the club on it. Danny knew it. This week's question is how many times can you punch a bear before it becomes a bad idea?


Beat the Odds Tip:  Listening to Wilson Phillips will always motivate you to do positive.


Well yesterday was the first day of graduate school and I am yet to purchase a pipe, a smoking jacket or penny loafers. I don't know how they even let me go to class without the proper attire. Anyway I went to my first class last night. I was wondering how much more crazy class was going to be now that is not regular school. Turns out is not that much different. There are still the same numbers of people that are trying way harder than I am. I don't think it is because I am lazy I just think that is I have a better grasp on the big picture. For instance last night we had our first quiz, which was an assessment quiz. So I knew that I could just write a good guess for each answer. One of my answers was I don't remember what this equation is but I remember it is important and with a little refresher I could use the equation again. It also doesn't hurt that I have had the professor before and so he knows me and I understand how he runs the show. I mean I must be doing something right I got into graduate school for hells sake.


Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones


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