
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 6.04 (Just in the nick of time)

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 6.04It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt
-Mark Twain
I often wonder what it takes to write the perfect song or the perfect story or tell the perfect joke. The issue is my thought of what "perfect" is not the same as another person's idea of "perfect". So I guess much like high school elections popularity determines what is "perfect." The thing is I am yet to find what I consider to be a perfect song, story, or joke but I have found several things in this world I think are perfect but do to popularity my idea of "perfection" or near perfection has been canceled, completed, discontinued or destroyed. Only a few things that I consider to be perfect have not gone away these things are people and I think you know who you are if you are reading this. Some of you can't read it but maybe somebody will read it to you. So I thought I would share with you the things I feel are close to perfect that are either gone by the wayside or hanging on by a thread. This will be kind of fun for me it will be like Oprah's favorite things except the stock value of the items I mention won't double in value over night. They might even drop a little bit. I will start with some of my "perfect" items that are still holding on. First is Fringe at first I thought the show was a bore and your typical "Murder She Wrote" show (which is one of Jenny's perfect things) but it is not. It has mind contorting plot twist and fun character developments that will make you say, "Umm." Oh not to mention that there is an alternate universe, so you gotta like that. What is next? Snow, I mean come on groundhog get it right one of these day but I love the snow and think that snow storms are perfect. Uh this one will never go away but I think walking outside is pretty awesome. I walked to the dentist office today with Gigi and it was a magical experience. She pointed out every bird, every tree, every patch of grass almost every rock and a lot of cars and trucks. Do you know how many of those things there are from our house to the dentist office? There are like 6,045. What about some of my perfect things that have gone away for what seems to be forever. Did anyone else partake in the single packets of peanut butter? Do they still make those? I just remember opening a package from America (aka my mom) while I was standing on an extremely hot and humid street corner and a box of individually wrapped peanut butter tubes fell into my hands. It was like angels singing from on high. The first moment I got I sat down with my peanut butter tubes and turned into Gollum. Let's see what else is gone? I don't know how much ridicule I am going to get for this but when I was kid they came out with Crystal Pepsi. Nothing wrong with that. It was cool because you were drinking the hard stuff but it is like you were drinking water. Genius. Did somebody win the Noble Prize for that? The only other soda break through that was better yet was again on a hot street corner south of the equator. With a ban on brown cola including the Dew I was at a loss for my fix of the sweet nectar when another potential Noble Prize winner came out with blue Pepsi. I think the good book says, "Ask and you shall receive." I am not saying I asked for it but I am just saying it happened. Due to me leaving the area that too has gone away. Let's see the last thing I want to point out is something that hasn't happened yet but I am sure will happen in about a decade or so. I remember as a teenager my mom would always try and get a hug from me and I being an ornery teenager would usually deny. Now that I have a little rat of my own I understand the withdrawals she must have been experiencing those rough teenage years. I am sure there will come a time when Gigi no longer wants to hug her dad every time she goes to bed and that my friends will be the end of what I consider to be one of the most perfect things in the world.

Trivia Time: Who would win in a fight Batman or Captian American?

Have a good week I know I will
Eric Jones

This message was approved by Eric Jones

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