
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 3.06

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 3.06

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain

            As I sit here on my break at work what can be said about last week that won't be so cliché that all you won't have the desire to burn me as a hieratic? Wow that last word was a hard word for me to spell but I did it even without the help of the spell check.   What a world.  I just wanted to let you all know that mom did read all the way down to the bottom of last week's letter.   Some have said that a mother's love is the strongest love that any human can feel in their lives.  If that wasn't more evident last week then I don't when I have felt it in my life.   Every so often I will type one of this things and say at the end, if this doesn't win me the Pulitzer then the voting is completely fixed.  Other weeks like last week I wonder what was going on in my brain that even thought people would make it past the first section of the letter.   Well with next week the year end review letter and then the new year's letter the week after I am now letting all you know that my New Year's Resolution is to never write another newsletter that sub par.   Life is full great stories and I will be there to tell these stories to the world.  I know what you are all thinking about.   This newsletter sucks and it does but like I said the New Year will be bring gold, or what is better than gold, Doritos.  Yes next year will bring pure Doritos quality your way.

            Trivia Time:  Last week there were two answers that were so good they were the co-winners this week.   The question was, what is the most important position in Basketball?  To which Danny Sorensen responded, there is no I in team therefore every position is the most important.   Jenny Jones responded the most important position is Defense, isn't she the cutest people, come on.  This week's question is who was the 25 th President of the United States?

             A fire has begun to burn within me again.   As I went and saw the movie I Am Legend, which was excellent.  There was a preview for the next Chronic-what-cals of Narinia and so now I begin to read the book associated with the movie.   Prince Caspian.  As I am into the book just bakers dozen pages or so; I can imagine the magical world that will be created by Disney.   Oh what a delightful ride it will be for all who go and see the movie.  Also there was a preview for the new Batman movie, yawn.  I mean hell yeah that movie going to rock.   It was magic was coming out of the screen and tickling my feet when that preview was on.  The Joker was so awesome looking.   Oh dear is all I can say about that.  I was nervous watching the preview what will movie bring?  Then there were some other previews they were good too.   You know that when the previews are good the movie will be excellent.  Which the movie was awesome.  I won't ruin it for any of you but if you do not like scary movies don't go because it is very intense from start to finish.   This guy gives it two thumbs up.

            In closing a young man said to me yesterday that his mother received an email that a picture of a fat guy wearing short shorts and shirt that was less than appealing.   He was covered in University of Utah insignias.  Then the caption underneath read, "Why we send our kids to BYU."   After he told me this, I said, "Yeah only really ugly people go to Utah."  After he agreed I then informed that I am currently a student at Utah.   Then I shared my opinion of Utah and told me that he was mistaken

Have a good week I know I will.  

Eric Jones

The Blog www.oprahismymom.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

William McKinley was # 25. He's my favorite president!

Anonymous said...

This week's letter was awesome and I give it the Pulitzer that I just made out of some twigs and mud that I found attached to my left shoe. Why left shoe you ask, I tell you. It is because I only have one shoe and it is a left footed shoe.