
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 3.16

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 3.16

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain

Sitting here eating a bowl of the bag brand cereal with skim milk I think about how much my life has changed since I have been married for a year plus now.   Really apart from what I just said not too much.  I found out yesterday that men that drink two sugar drinks i.e. soda, and I think kool-aid, are more susceptible to the gout.  So I guess since I have gone this long with the habits I have no need to change.  I say drink up.  Somebody once said that the bad stuff we do now only takes years off the end of your life and those years aren't as fun as now?  Also I had a good thought as I watched a young man probably about my age take a few drags of his cigarette.  I thought to myself I thought, "If Uncle Sam really understands how bad cigarettes are why doesn't he just put a crazy tax on them, higher then what there is now, and make the people stop."  Then I thought to myself, now don't get offended if you smoke, "But with all of our advances in medical science people are consistently living longer.  Attribute to clean living? No." I thought silently on the train.  "Science and  understanding have given us those extra years to enjoy."  The thoughts continued to poor into my head about this topic.  Then boom it hit me, "Population control.  These bad things for our bodies give us population control."  I put a lot of negative foods in my body that disrupt the balance of my inward systems.  However it is my choice and as the earth's non-renewable resources become more scarce we need people like me who are only going to be living for the average amount of years or less. 

Trivia Time: Last week's question about how often you should listen to that song is, Always. This week's question is what is the world record for most cigarettes smoked in a day?

  So this past weekend Jenny and I watched a few movies that did not sit well with us.  It was like when you go to one of your favorite restaurants and you realize that somewhere somebody took away your favorite cook and replaced him with a monkey.  That is what these movies were like.  Somebody took away all that we love about movies and put in monkeys or something there to equivalent.  I choose not to say the title of these movies because I would like all of you have to un-tainted opinion of the films if you ever choose to watch them.  I just can say one thing I hope that you do enjoy them better than we did.  Less than half the way through both movies questions arose between Jenny and I that were, "How much longer do you think this movie will be?" or "Are you even enjoying this movie?"  Anyway back to the grind stone.

Have a good week I know I will.  

Eric Jones

The Blog www.oprahismymom.blogspot.com


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