
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.27 (Rain is like snow but warmer)

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 4.27

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain

So with the break in the rain on Friday morning I took that opportunity to mow my lawn and to turn my compost. Yes my compost, it is easy and fun! Anywho, every time I start the mower up Roscoe thinks that it is some sort of dragon or something because he starts to go crazy. He runs around and barks and then when he has his courage with him he attacks. Biting the wheels, trying to stop this beast. I have to keep kicking my foot at him until he looses the desire to attack the mower. But every time I start the mower he goes into attack mode.  It is fun at first but quickly gets annoying. However, this past week it was really east to make him stop after I got to side yard. He would run over and bark and then run off back to my car where Frankie, who doesn't even know the mower is on, was digging in the dirt. This is pretty typical for Frankie he likes to dig. Every time I came around the yard to where they were they were just digging and starring at the dirt. So I kept an eye on them. Then as I came around I noticed that Frankie was pouncing on the dirt. I thought that is different. Then in between pounces he made a grab for something in the dirt, pulling out a medium sized rat. Quickly I told him to drop it, if I hadn't he would have killed and eaten it. That is what he is bred to do. Both Frankie and Roscoe kept making stabs at the rat and for some reason I was defending it. Then I grabbed a bag and made a decision to protect my family. Setting the rat on a flat rock I picked up another rock and boom that was that no more rat. Or was it? Twenty minutes later Jenny came to me and says that the rat is still alive in the bottom of the garbage can. So I took an edging tool I had and off with his head. Jenny told me I should have taken it to a field somewhere and let it go. I am not a killer of animals, but a rodent that could have potentially moved into our crawl space and made babies that could have grown up to injury us, I was not about to take that chance. I was proud of my dogs I know that they are doing what they were bred to do. Sometimes I let Roscoe get into the crawl space to make sure there isn't anything down there. So far, so good.


Trivia Time: There are a lot of great movies/shows about time travel that I had forgotten. Including, Lost, Terminator 1 – 3, and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure good times, good times. This week's question is if you were a dog what type of dog would you be?


Beat the Odds Tip:  When faced with a tough question playing dead will work for at least 5 minutes.


So the great debate is over. After weeks of talk of who Gigi looks like Jenny and I did some research. We pulled out the baby photos from when I was younger. I know every picture of me is when I was younger. That is not the point the point is you could write Gigi under my pictures and wouldn't know the difference, except for the pictures where I am naked. Anyway, she looks just like I did when I was baby. She also has a bad case of acne like I do.


Also for those of you that live in Utah and are wondering when you should water your lawn here is what you do. You go to this website which takes evapotranspiration data and lets you know when to water your lawn. http://www.conservewater.utah.gov/wateringindex/default.asp This is the section I work for now at the Division of Water Resources. Proper watering is very important especially for people that live in areas that use drinking water for irrigation purposes i.e. Salt Lake County. If you would really like to talk about this with me I would like to do that because I get paid to. Anyway, go to this website and browse it there is some good information there that will help all of us saves waters.


Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones


1 comment:

Sarah said...

there is a breed of dogs that are rat hunters?