
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 5.4 (The later than late edition)

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 5.4

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain


I have learned something this past week. Being sick and having a mustache might be one of the worst combinations ever. Every time I sneeze or I blow my nose I have to wipe my stache too otherwise I get a crusty stache (Which is the worst). I mean don't get me wrong growing a beard is pretty awesome and being sick is not that awesome and when you combine the two into one the scales tend to tip toward not awesome. Because let's face it snot is one of the worst things that comes out our bodies. For one major reason, your nose is directly above your mouth. This is can be seen every time my daughter sneezes. It is the saddest thing to see her have a nice thick sheet of snot dangling from her nose, oozing into her mouth. But the hero (Dad) comes to the rescue and wipes her face off then she is back off crawling every where. We have to keep all doors closed now because she remembers her favorite places to play which are not really baby friendly. For instance the bathroom. She loves to get in there and dig through the garbage. In our bedroom she loves to go my night stand pull herself up and knock all of my stuff to the floor. Sometimes we forget to close the doors and she is just like the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park always testing the fences to see where she can break through. She hates closed doors she lowers her head and pushes as hard as her 15 lbs will allow. Recently she has learned that using her hand is just as affective. I wonder if she understands how a baby is able to push something so large. Do babies understand the principles behind hinges and how and where to apply force to an object so that you can generate the maximum amount of work with the least amount of energy?


Trivia Time: Asking questions that have no answers means that the question is not properly formatted. This week's question is how many people are required to play Tiddlywinks?


Beat the Odds Tip: If you are competitively involved in Tiddlywinks maybe you should look for a new friend.


The Super Bowl is set and it should be a good one. I hope that both teams show up and play like they know they can. I don't really care who wins but I will more than likely be cheering for the Saints because I am a latter day one of those. Also, they have gold in their uniforms and that is pretty cool if you ask me. Here is how I think the game is going to go. The Colts will get the first kickoff and score. Then the Saints will get the ball and they will score. This will go on until the end of the game. Back and forth scoring. That means that the Saints will have the advantage because they can score last in the first half tying the game at oh lets say 35 then in the second half they can score first. So the Saints will get the ball with 1 minute left and the score tied 63 – 63. They will come down and then call out Tom Dempsey to kick a new record setting 64 yard field goal to win the game for the Saints. So I have the final score 66 – 63 for the Saints it is going to be an awesome game. Even more awesome will be, seeing Tom Dempsey resurrect to come out and kick another game winning field goal. Is he dead? I don't know I am too lazy to fact check.


Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones


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