
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 5.9

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 5.9

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain


Picture this Jet Li standing in front of a temple hitting arrows out the air with nothing more than a stick. If you don't want to picture it then you can watch a little movie called Hero that came out several years. If you like the martial arts and you like crazy stuff happening then you will like Hero. Why do I bring this up? I have brought this topic for one reason. Much like Jet Li protecting the temple from arrow damage I was successful in defending my thesis weekend. So for the next two weeks I will be making corrections to my thesis document to make it more presentable. Or maybe they said readable or maybe said more in line with proper grammatical rules. English, who made you the boss of how a person is supposed to construct a sentence? Sometimes I wished that English would take a break and go out of town for a few weeks while I turn this thesis in. As I think about things I have done in the past I can't help but think about how time consuming this whole process was. I was busy all of the time, I mean I really had to budget my time wisely so I could take a break at night in order to watch Lost. It is like the people at the University and the people at ABC aren't even considering my schedule. I mean according to my mom I am important so why aren't these major establishments considering my needs and wants? It is like they don't even care. Oh on a semi-related note the Oscars were last night. Award shows are worse than Ice Dancing. I would rather 12 hours of Ice Dancing then watch any of the current award shows. You want an award show that I would watch maybe make the awards given to soldiers televised, or the awards to outstanding people in the community. Or I think the best award show would be an awards show that gives moms awards for being good moms. Dads don't awards because their kids are awards enough. You know like when their kid is better than other kids or when their kid draws a picture of them with super human strength because they can carry the garbage out with one hand. Yeah I wish Gigi could draw so I could get an award like that. Boy that would be great. Where was I? Oh yeah, thesis done.


Trivia Time: Okay maybe the skiers shouldn't shoot while skiing. This week's question is how much chocolate is too much?


Beat the Odds Tip: Sitting with good posture makes it look like you care.


I have a widget on my blog that tracks who comes to my blog and how they got there. I have noticed recently that a few people are getting to my blog by using Google. I often google my name so I know that I am not in trouble with the law or anything like that. Or maybe it is to prove that I am alive. You know like the old saying, "I google, therefore I am." But anyway I have never tried to google other things that might bring me into the global spot light but other people have. So here are a few phrases you can google and my blog will come up as one of the options. Also I am going to include the location from where the googling took place.

"somebody told me" score Florence Toscana, Italy

mad man jones blogspot Brisbane, Australia

jenny lathe Janze, France

stupid mario brothers somebody told me the world was from me Michigan, USA (#1 link)

Also somebody that frequents my blog also frequents the Jewish Virtual Library. I like that because not only is the blog going global it is reaching across religions. So if you have a blog and you don't have the widget dealie that tracks who has been on your blog I strongly recommend you get it. Not for security purposes but so you know that you fit into this world in more ways than one. I don't really want to admit it but being the number one selection on a google search has been a real confidence boost. I just think I would be half the man I am today without knowing that I am #1 at more than just speed shoelace tying.


Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones


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