
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 5.14

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 5.14

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt

-Mark Twain


Now that Gigi has two teeth her mother has decided that she needs to start brushing those teeth. The technique she uses is she brushes her two teeth then gives Gigi the toothbrush. I am sure this is the same technique that other people use as well. Gigi then proceeds to walk around the house brushing her teeth and other random items. It is fun to see how excited she gets to brush her teeth then the fridge, then the dog, and then her teeth again. Watching her go through this process I reflected on my own hygiene practices and I have come to the realization that soon enough my daughter's hygiene will surpass my own. I am going to guess that as soon as she is potty trained she will be more sanitary than her father. These are exciting times and I enjoy watching Gigi grow up hopefully becoming a sanitary adult (not like her father).


Trivia Time: Duke won I really don't care for that school's basketball team. This week's question is if humans had the ability to transform into different animals, what animal would you be?


Beat the Odds Tip: Reading is FUNdamental.


Another discovery I recently made is that I am willing to take on any project but it had better not involve any sort of heavy instruments that can cut through or damage the human body in any way shape or form. However, even when I work on seemingly safe projects I find a way to inflict pain upon my person. Yes my person. For instance this last weekend I put myself in charge of fixing the fence. It is a wood fence and since the installation of the posts, dirt and grass have grown over the cement foundation and against the wood. This is a problem because wood rots. Anyway one the post was rotten all of the way through so it needed to be replaced. As I replaced it I smashed my thumb with the hammer, I have several slivers that I keep finding all over my hand and I have cut on my wrist that if it had been deeper and an inch to the left there would have been a lot more blood. However, my dad did give me a saws all. This is a tool that is indicative of its name. It can cut through anything and I mean anything. I made sure to use the tool at arms length and my eyes were closed. I didn't hurt myself with this tool. This time. I have realized that when I fix things I don't really fix them it is more a series of accidents that somehow add up to a certain percentage of success. If I were rich I would just pay people it would save me time and injury.


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Have a good week I know I will

Eric Jones


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