
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 6.13 (This is the week of weeks)

                     Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 6.13
It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt
-Mark Twain
So yesterday as Jenny sat reading the paper and I watching golf I glanced over and saw the Bagley cartoon. There were several people standing with their arms in the air with shirts on that said May 21st and then there is this “dude” that is asking them if they wanted to bet on that. Jenny and I were both confused at the cartoon. Today I discovered that there are two different sects out there that think the beginning of the end will occur on May 21st. I don’t know about that but couldn’t have Grandma picked a different day to go sky diving? One sect is claiming that at 6 PM, I don’t know if that is Mountain Daylight Savings Time or if it is Japan Standard Time or possibly some other time, there will be a massive earth quake that will devastate the earth. One group is saying that the elect will be chosen that day and then on October 21st, once all of the proper paper work has been completed, yes even in the new government there is paper work, the end will happen. So either way as long as the weather is good I will be on my way to an experience of a lifetime. I probably won’t do it more than once. Unless I have to, I don’t know if that will ever happen but it could happen in the future. The future is unpredictable. I look forward to the experience and hope everything goes fantastically. Statistics are in my favor! Also I get to golf for free on Friday so it is going to be a pretty awesome weekend for this guy.

Trivia Time: What is the movie you are looking forward to this summer?

Over the next 6 months my life will change greatly. This past Friday Jenny and I found out that Gigi will have a younger brother to tease and apologize to. Jenny and I very happy to find out that she is carrying a little boy. I have been having thoughts of what this boy will do what he will be and how he will affect this world. Right now his affect on the world is limited to the consumption of Jenny’s energy and some doctor’s visits but soon he will be screaming at this world and trying to control every minute of its time. With the birth of another child Jenny and I can no longer play a 2 on 1 zone defense with Jenny playing the point of the defense and I was just playing back door defense defending the hoop when Gigi slipped around Jenny. Now we will have to spread out and make sure we are rotating properly on our modified man defense. The key to a good defense is proper rotation. If there is one thing that completely destroys a good defense is a lazy defender that doesn’t roll to help on the weak side. Just ask Carlos Boozer about improper rotation on the defensive end of the court. Or you could probably just ask Jenny about poor rotation as she looks at me faking asleep. By the way Gigi has already advanced to the realm of master faker of sleep. When she is supposed to be in bed but we can hear her playing in room we have to check in on her but when we get there she is face down on the bed breathing like she is asleep. She is such a little stinker face. Soon enough she will be able to fake asleep to get out of things like, home teachers visits, yard work, going to the store or anything she doesn’t want to do. I hope that little Boy Jones has the same personality as his vibrant sister. May they giggle together and love one another.

Have a good week I know I will
Eric Jones

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