
Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 6.27 (If I could I would but I can't)

Ravings of a Mad Man: vol. 6.27
It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid then open it and remove all doubt
-Mark Twain
It took several days longer than I anticipated but the Saga has finally come to a close. The balance has been restored to a galaxy far, far away. What a fantastic journey it was watching all of those sweet stories anew. We can learn a lot from Star Wars. I think the most important thing we learn is that family is more important than being cool with the Emperor. Also I think that a first watcher of the Saga should watch it in the original release order otherwise they already know elements of the stories that make episodes 5 and 6 awesome. So onto another topic. I read in the paper, okay to be honest I don't really thoroughly read any news article. Here is my strategy. I will hold the paper up and look at the cover from there I read all of the headlines upon reading the first headline I assume what the stories is about and take it as fact. If the headline is intriguing I will start to read the article. For example yesterday there was a headline that peaked my interest. It was about the illegal artifact findings in Southern Utah. I began to read the article and after a few sentences I decided to not read it because it just turned into a whining story. Okay so now you know how I read the paper, with that in mind I will relate an occurrence that took place on Friday in our home. I saw the paper and decided it was time to scan the headlines. I saw a headline that said, "QR codes to be etched into headstones." For those of you not in the know in about QR codes, these are the square codes found on a lot of advertisements, signs and in magazines. They allow a smart phone user to scan the code and see more details pertaining to the particular item. This could include, print, pictures, audio, or video. Pretty sweet little deal if you have a smart phone. So anyway the headline said, "QR codes to be etched into headstones." I told Jenny about the headline then I followed that up with (Keep in mind I didn't read the article and still have no idea what the content behind the headline is), "Hey Jenny they are going to etch QR codes into headstones." She didn't seem impressed; this is probably why I didn't read the article. I did however expound on the headline for Jenny's sake. I told her that you could walk around a cemetery and scan people's headstones to see pictures of them, perhaps hear them speak or watch them doing stuff. To quote the Cable Guy, "The possibilities are endless." I informed Jenny that I want something like that on my headstone er I mean my shrine. For I will not have a headstone. I wonder if mortuaries are going to provide the server to store all of the data behind the code or if they will third party that out. I think there is money to be made here people. Maybe not in the immediate future but when tech savvy people start buying headstones the dollars will roll in. Also think about doing genealogy with these QR codes. It will be more exciting than completing trees you will be watching trees complete themselves. That last sentence sounded better this morning while I was pondering in bed. I just wanted to add in a disclaimer here, remember that I have no idea what the article was about, it could be that people are paying for their headstones by allowing advertisers to put advertising QR codes on their headstones. I have no idea because I didn't read the story. Either way the future is now people. Pretty soon we will only have to eat, breathe and exercise everything else will be done for us. Yeah!?

Trivia Time: Here are the current guesses for when BBJ will be born, what is your guess?
Jenny Jones 9/30/11; Brian Billingsley 10/1/11; Rolayne Bruse 10/2/11 Mickael Sorensen 10/7/11 (For Slurpee purposes), Tim Jones 10/10/11; Jdub 10/31/11; Dan Sorensen 11/11/11 and Stephanie Billingsley 1/1/2012 my guess is 9/27/11 anytime will be the perfect time. Keep guessing until she explodes. If it goes further than this week heaven help us.

Have a good week I know I will
Eric Jones
This message was approved by Eric Jones

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